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Research and development, more popularly known by its abbreviation R&D, is the set of innovative activities that are undertaken by governments or corporations in the development of new services or products as well as in improving existing ones. Research and development constitute the first stage… Read More »R&D


Rumination can be defined as the focused attention on the symptoms of a person’s distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, when compared to its solutions. Since the Response Styles Theory by Nolen-Hoeksema has been empirically supported, this model of rumination is the most… Read More »Rumination


A rector is a senior official in an academic institution and can refer to an official holding office in a university or a secondary school. Outside the English-speaking world, a rector is someone who is the most senior official in a university. They can also… Read More »Rector


A registrar is a senior administrative executive working in an academic institution, which can be a college, university, or secondary school, who oversees the leadership and management of the Registrar’s Office. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the performance management… Read More »Registrar

Relieving Letter

A relieving letter is a formal way for the teacher or member of non-teaching staff, to inform the employee that their resignation has been accepted and that they have been relieved from the responsibilities and duties they were bound to follow, subject to the contract… Read More »Relieving Letter

Rhyming Words

Rhyming words are words that have the same or similar ending sound. However, most of the rhymes that you might think are rhymes, are actually not. You might think that wolf and shelf are rhyming words, but as per the actual rules of rhyme, they… Read More »Rhyming Words

Retention Meaning

The dictionary definition of retention meaning is the continued possession, use, or control of something. However, another retention meaning is also there in the realm of education and is very important in the context of education because it is vital to learning anything. Learning retention… Read More »Retention Meaning


When starting philosophy, it is important to understand rationalism meaning. Rationalism is the epistemological view that considers reason to be the chief source and test of knowledge, or in other words, it is any view that appeals to reason as the source of knowledge or… Read More »Rationalism


Reproducibility, also known as repeatability and replicability, is a major principle that is essential to the scientific method. To expect reproducibility is to get results obtained by an experiment or in a statistical analysis of a data set or an observational study that should be… Read More »Reproducibility

Report Writing Format

A report is an account of something that a person has observed, investigated, done, or heard. It is a well-organized and systematic presentation of findings and facts of a particular event that has happened somewhere. Reports are used as a means of written assessment in… Read More »Report Writing Format

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