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Class Teacher

Class Teacher

A class teacher is an individual who is responsible for a particular group of students in a school. In short, we can say that a class teacher handles a bunch of students who make a classroom. Their job role includes responsibilities like maintaining the attendance record, keeping a check on students’ performance, making and maintaining report cards, giving feedback when needed, ensuring discipline, etc. Being a teacher is not easy, as they have to give exams like the PTET teachers exam and especially when they need to handle an entire class with different kinds of students and mindsets. But there are some qualities that can surely help a teacher’s work easy. Here are a few qualities of a good class teacher-

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1- Active Listening– Quite often, students want someone to listen to them. You can be a great teacher only when you understand what your students need and in order to understand what they want, you have to listen. Active listening is one of the most important qualities of an ideal teacher.

2- Appreciating Nature- A small pat on the back can go a long way. Teachers need to be rewarding and have to acknowledge the efforts of their students. When teachers say “well done”, “good job” etc and reward students with a good word of encouragement, it motivates them to do better and makes them a better teachers. Hence, when the question of what are the most important qualities of a good teacher, comes up, this quality cannot be missed.

The list may go on, but these qualities are sure to help you in your teaching career if you are a teacher.

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