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Class Representative

Class Representative

A class representative is an individual who is appointed by the teacher as the representative of the classroom. It is the class representative’s responsibility to to ensure classroom and exam hall discipline. They are answerable to the teacher in case of any mischief. There are a lot of responsibilities that a class representative/ tips to student to study smart has to take care of-

1- The class representatives have to ensure that there is no mischief happening in the classroom. The fellow classmates should not make any noise and in case they do, the representative should take strict actions against it. They should warn the students or inform the teacher immediately.

2- It is the responsibility of the class representative to share the messages with other classmate that the teacher shares with them. These messages may be regarding any important test, assignment, or any other general information. Hence, the class representative should behave in a very responsible way or should take the responsibility of their actions.

3- It is the responsibility of the class representative to keep all the belongings of the classroom at it’s place. From duster, attendance register, and other belongings of the classroom, the representative should ensure that everything is at its place.

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