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Debriefing is a term that is often used in fields of military, psychology research, and crisis aversion. Still, it is also used in the context of pedagogy under the tag of experiential learning. 

In the realm of experiential learning, it can be defined as a semi-structured process by which the facilitator makes a series of progressive questions in the session once a certain activity is accomplished in an adequate sequence that let the participants reflect on what happened. It gives important insights regarding the aim of that project towards the future, linking the challenge with the actions and the future. It is similar to offering feedback in a pedagogical construct as it constitutes an essential component of any simulation intervention or any educational intervention that involves a process of explanation, analysis, and synthesis, with an active facilitator-participant, or in this case, teacher-student interface.

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Emotional decompression is one way of psychological debriefing proposed in David Kinchin’s book of the same name.  Experiential learning debriefing is used in medical simulation and is commonly seen in healthcare. Training facilitators in debriefing techniques is vital to the process to ensure effective debriefing among simulation faculty. The provision of formal debriefing training has historically been through a variety of faculty development programs which include conference-associated workshops, textbook readings, simulation instructor training courses, and online modules.
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