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Spatial Intelligence

The ability to comprehend and generate understanding from visual input is referred to as spatial intelligence. This cognitive process is referred to as an aptitude for understanding visual information in both real and abstract words, as well as an intrinsic ability to visualize information. People… Read More »Spatial Intelligence

Scanning in Reading

What is scanning in reading? Scanning in reading is a process of reading in which your eyes quickly run through a piece of text to find a piece of relevant information. Scanning in reading is a common practice to locate a word in a dictionary.… Read More »Scanning in Reading

Skimming Meaning

Skimming Meaning Skimming Meaning – To read a piece of information quickly. The meaning of the word given above would have helped you to get a rough idea regarding what it is also about. Skimming enables you to get the gist of what is being… Read More »Skimming Meaning

Study Tour

Study tours are included in the curriculum of schools and colleges to provide students with a hands-on experience about their learning concepts. This is a great way to teach students as the experiences that the study tour provides students will have a long-lasting impact on… Read More »Study Tour


The full form of SHS is School Health Services. School health services provide preventative and support services to the students in an educational institution. They are an essential part of every school to ensure the mental and physical health of students in an organization. The… Read More »SHS

SUPW Full Form

SUPW Full Form SUPW full form is Socially Useful Productive Work. Schools typically encourage SUPW initiatives to teach students how to create useful products. This initiative was launched in 1978 by the Ministry of Education to promote Gandhian principles and educational ideas. It is a… Read More »SUPW Full Form

SMART Full Form

SMART Full Form  SMART Full Form is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Defining these parameters as they relate to your goal helps makes sure that the objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. This approach rids itself of generalities and guesswork, sets a… Read More »SMART Full Form


SSLC Full Form – Secondary School Leaving Certificate SSLC means a certificate awarded to students after the completion of secondary education in India. After completion of secondary education, students become eligible to step into their desired streams in senior secondary classes. This certificate is issued… Read More »SSLC

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