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Writing Styles

In the field of literature, writing styles are the manner of expressing thought in a language that is characteristic of an individual, period, school, or nation. However, writing styles are a broader concern that can describe

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  • Reader relationships with the grammatical choices writers make,
  • The importance of sticking to norms in certain contexts 
  • Deviating from the same in others,

The expression of social identity, as well as the emotional effects of certain devices on audiences, can be profound. Thus, writing styles may refer, at one and the same time, to the aspects of an individual’s writing habits or a particular document as well as to aspects that go well beyond the writer. Beyond the essential elements of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, writing styles can also be the choice of words, paragraph structure, sentence structure used to convey the meaning effectively, and so on. The former are called rules, essentials, elements, mechanics, or handbooks. The latter is called style, or rhetoric. The rules are about what a writer does. Style is about how the writer does it. Even though following the rules drawn from established English as formal language usage, a writer has great flexibility in how to express a concept. Some have suggested that the point of writing style is to:

  • Express the message to the reader in a clear, concise, and convincing manner
  • Keep the reader engaged, interested and attentive

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