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What is Limiting Friction

When a ball is thrown on the ground, it begins to move. However, no force should act in the direction of motion, and the ball should continue to roll according to Newton’s first law, but this does not occur. Instead, the ball comes to a halt after a particular distance, implying that it is subjected to some force.

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Friction is the name given to this force. Friction provides the traction needed to prevent slipping while walking. In most cases, friction is beneficial. In addition, about 20% of the engine output of a car is used to overcome the frictional forces of moving parts. Students should know what is limiting friction. What is limiting friction? Friction between two static surfaces that come into contact is described as limiting friction. The maximum amount of friction that two static surfaces can generate when they come into contact. The motion will happen when the force applied to the two surfaces surpasses the limiting friction. The normal response force multiplied by the coefficient of limiting friction equals the limiting friction between two dry surfaces. To put it another way, the amount of friction applied between the surfaces is always finite, and motion will occur if the forces acting on the body are large enough. As a result, limiting friction can be defined as the greatest degree of static friction that occurs when a body is almost about to slide over another body’s surface. What is limiting friction is an important CBSE question that comes up in board exams many times.
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