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What is Digital Library

If you are wondering what is digital library, you have reached the right place. We will give you an overview of digital library to help you understand what is digital library. 

Digital libraries are electronic or online libraries that include scholarly works, official records, or digital material like movies or audio files. They also offer access to many different resources, including online databases, e-books, and e-journals. Digital libraries are a blessing to those who do not have access to physical libraries. They facilitate the tasks of researchers by providing them access to an abundance of resources. 

One can access digital libraries and resources available there through various electronic devices. Since these materials are available online, you can obtain them anywhere and anytime. Hence, this aid students to indulge in self-directed learning and self-paced learning. When learners are able to avail this facility, they would be able to encourage students to do their own research and expand their knowledge. 

A digital library offers its consumers the best level of service possible. It accomplishes this by giving users access to digital resources, which can be accessed online. Additionally, it offers functions like searching for relevant data and presenting results in a user-friendly manner.

Educational institutions provide students with access to digital libraries in order the enhance the learning experience of their students. Through digital libraries, they are able to access the data in an easy manner. 

Teachmint’s library of learning resources contains notes, lecture videos, test questions, and a lot more – and it is available on almost all subjects. Click here to access the same right away!

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