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Study Hall

Study hall, also known as a private study, SAS, or structured study, is a term used to refer to a place where students are supposed to sit and study when they are not scheduled for an academic class. They are most commonly found in some middle schools and high schools. In colleges, such a place is referred to as called a student lounge or a common room. 

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Study halls typically have assigned rooms and are often monitored by teachers or teacher assistants, who often encourage students to use this time to finish any pending homework, catch up on assignments that they have studied, or study for tests or quizzes that are due in the coming weeks. Sometimes, students simply make use of study halls to make phone calls, text messages, sit around talking, play video games, or basically socialize or pursue non-academic topics.

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However, several schools are strictly against the use of study halls. Periods in which such activities are allowed are occasionally differentiated from study halls by the name ‘free period’. Some students might even have lunch during a study hall because of the long class hours and short lunch hours at their schools.

Study halls are often used by students for visiting with teachers, who have a ‘prep period/talk’ to discuss work or assignments. It can be a period to utilize school resources or request teacher assistance in any subject not understood by the student.

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