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Online Whiteboard

Teachers across the globe have been taking on more responsibility than ever before. Along with the duty of passing on academic passion and knowledge to students, they are also tasked with facing several external stimuli. These often end up being distractions to the short attention span of a child, hampering their ability to remain focused during a given task. Teachers have hence adopted a variety of technological tools that increase engagement and concentration in the classroom, such as the online whiteboard.

Evolution of online whiteboard for teaching:

It was in 1801 when James Pillans, a Scottish schoolmaster, first invented and used the blackboard in his Geography lessons. The invention of the marker board came later in the late 1950s. It is attributed to Martin Heit who developed a special marker pen with ink that could be easily wiped off a shiny white surface. The invention and evolution of digital whiteboards emerged only with technology tools available in the late 20th century. 

Over time, whiteboard software for online teaching has evolved to include features like multimedia integration, real-time collaboration, and cloud storage. Today, digital whiteboard software is widely used in remote learning, online meetings, and collaborative work environments, enhancing communication, collaboration, and learning in the digital age.

What subjects are best taught using an online whiteboard? 

Digital whiteboards are enabled with specific features which make them a better choice for teaching subjects like Mathematics or Science. For example, they offer applications such as: 

Equation Editor

This math tool allows teachers to write and edit complicated mathematical equations. It plays a key role in explaining complex mathematical concepts. 

Graphing tools

Certain models of online whiteboard for teaching collect data points to be presented as visual graphs.

Science Lab Simulations

These high-end digital whiteboards can also come preloaded with virtual science lab simulations which act as a substitute for physical laboratory lessons. Teachers often use this feature of online whiteboards to make classes safer and more accessible.

STEM Content Libraries

Digital whiteboards customized for STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) teaching offer pre-made interactive content such as simulations, models and diagrams.

What are the desirable features of online whiteboard for teaching?

Every electronic device comes with its own pros and cons. Measuring different whiteboard software for online teaching against each other can be a difficult task. Yet, teachers around the world prefer features such as:

User-friendly interface

For younger classes, it is essential to have a simple and user-friendly interface that can be easily understood by students. This includes clear and easy-to-use buttons, menus, and toolbars.

Interactive tools

Digital whiteboards with interactive tools like virtual pens, highlighters, and stamps, can help students stay engaged and interested in the learning process. Coupled with a multi-touch recognition screen, an online whiteboard can be a great tool for classroom interaction. 

Large screen size

A larger screen size is recommended for bigger classrooms, as it allows the teacher to project images, videos, and text in a size that is easy for all students to see. If the need arises, whiteboard software for online teaching can be used alongside a projector. 

Handwriting recognition

Handwriting recognition technology can be a valuable feature as it allows teachers to write naturally on the board and have it converted to text for students to read.

Collaboration features

For older, more advanced classes, digital whiteboards with collaboration features like screen-sharing and remote access can be useful for group projects and online learning. This allows students to work together, even if they are in different locations.

What are the benefits of using an online whiteboard?

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention- in other words, surely there are some benefits to using digital whiteboards over traditional ones. Take for example:

Enhanced efficacy of teaching 

In larger classrooms, it is difficult for teachers to pay individual attention to each and every student. With the use of a digital whiteboard, the teacher can approach learning in a variety of styles such as visual learning, auditory learning, and hands-on learning. 

Accessibility and Flexibility

Online whiteboards can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them highly flexible. Teachers can conduct virtual classes, share lessons, and collaborate with students remotely, overcoming geographical barriers and providing access to education for all.

Resource Sharing and Storage

By using online whiteboards, teachers do not need to carry around heavy textbooks and paper printouts of assignment solutions. Instead, it is all available at just one click, and comes with added benefits of minimal hassle in organization and transportation.

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