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International Number System

The International Number System, otherwise commonly called the International numeral system, is used in various countries across the world today. 

The international number system is a method of representing numbers where they are split into periods or groups. These periods or groups help in reading large numbers with impeccable accuracy. The main difference between the Indian number system and the international number system is the difference in the placement of the commas in each system. The periods in the latter numeral system are Ones, Thousands, Millions, etc. Each of these is divided further into groups.

Here is the demarcation of the periods in the International Numeral System:

One Period – The one period is once again grouped into three i.e. ones, tens, and hundreds. Therefore, the first three digits of the number come under this period.

Thousand Period – The thousand period is again grouped into three i.e. thousands, ten-thousands, and hundred-thousand. So, the three digits after the one period of any number come under this period.

Million Period – The million period is grouped into three i.e. million, ten-million, and hundred-millions. Therefore, the next three digits after the thousand periods of any number come under this period.

Billion Period – The billion period is grouped into three again i.e. billion, ten-billion, and hundred-billion. So, the next three digits after the million periods of any number come under this period.

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