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School Management

Managing a school is not an easy task, it requires multi-tasking, discipline, and a lot of attentiveness for one single mistake can lead to major issues. Managing a school includes tasks like managing teacher attendance, student attendance, student results, fee collection, etc. It is important… Read More »School Management


Sq3r is a method of studying, it is based on the research of cognitive psychology which stimulates enhanced knowledge of reading content. It was proposed by an American educational psychologist named Francis P. Robinson. It can be said that Sq3r is an acronym for the… Read More »Sq3r


Semester Grade Point Average is the method of evaluation of a student’s performance in colleges and universities. It is very helpful to find out how much a student understands. Some people do not know the difference between sgpa and cgpa, and some think that these… Read More »SGPA To CGPA

SPED Meaning

SPED Meaning SPED meaning is one of the most searched questions on the internet. SPED is vital for many students who have special requirements, it is because of their physical or sympathetic problems. Teachers should comprehend how to teach students who have special needs. It… Read More »SPED Meaning


SPED SPED is vital for many students who have special requirements, it is because of their physical or sympathetic problems. Teachers should comprehend how to teach students who have special needs. It is significant for all the teachers to learn how to make students with… Read More »SPED


SOL stands for School of open learning, it is one of the most searched schools on the internet. You must have heard about it if you know about Delhi University. The meaning of a school of open learning is there is no compulsion of coming… Read More »SOL

School Full Form

A School is a place where students come and gain knowledge about various subjects. They learn moral values, social skills, emotional skills, thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and many more. You would be thinking what is the school full form, the school’s full form is Student… Read More »School Full Form

Science vs Commerce

Science vs Commerce  Science and commerce are the most popular streams among the students of India, we can see students talking about science vs commerce a lot. If we start to think about science vs commerce, many points come to our mind. Understand and digitize… Read More »Science vs Commerce

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