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AWESArmy Welfare Education Society (AWES) governs and maintains appropriate educational facilities for the children of Indian servicemen through local military authorities. Established in 1983, the company has offices in Shankar Vihar, Delhi Cantonment and over the years has opened more than 137 State Army  Schools and… Read More »AWES

Assignment Meaning In Hindi

Assignment Meaning In Hindi Assignment meaning in Hindi is one of the most searched questions on the internet. The assignment meaning in Hindi is ‘कार्यभार’. कार्यभार or assignments are chores or pieces of work that students are assigned by their professors and tutors to do… Read More »Assignment Meaning In Hindi

Aim Meaning

Aim Meaning  Students should always know what they want to achieve in their life. A person can not become successful if they do not know what are their interests and what they want to achieve in their life. Students should practice daily and learn more… Read More »Aim Meaning


ASTAn advanced skilled teacher who has accomplished high standards of classroom training and success and who, after upholding a national assessment, is paid to share his or her aptitudes and experience with other teachers. To serve an Advanced Skills Teacher, a skilled teacher must first be… Read More »AST


The AICTE whose full form is All India Council for Technical Education. It is a high-level Advisory Body to administer an examination on the facilities accessible for technical education and to promote development in the nation in a collective and integrated manner, it was founded in… Read More »AICTE

Art Of Education

Art of education is the set of teachings on how to use the dialect of art. Students comprehend the world and assign meaning to it by employing art. Associations of production, administration, ideology, scientific and cultural impression, and senses, the identity of a society is shaped… Read More »Art Of Education

Art Teacher Jobs

Art Teacher Jobs A lot of people ask about art teacher jobs. Art teacher jobs can be found on various websites- for example, school websites. Let us know more about art teachers. An art teacher is a teacher who teaches art, their job is to teach students.… Read More »Art Teacher Jobs

Art Teacher

An art teacher is a teacher who teaches art, their job is to teach students. An art teacher teaches students about fine arts and motivates them to produce excellent artwork. It is not like they are different from other teachers, they also give lectures, take… Read More »Art Teacher

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