In the course of their academic careers, every student or researcher is bound to come across the term bibliography at some point. Every research paper would have a bibliography at the end of it. It is a list that gives information about the works that have been referred to or cited during the preparation of the dissertation. Every research work ought to have a bibliography in order to make work plagiarism-free. Your works can be inspired by other works, yet, if you copy and plagiarise other individuals’ content, it will give rise to plagiarism.
The word bibliography originated from the Greek language. The term “biblio” means “book”, and the term “graph” means, “to write” and hence the word bibliography means “writing about books”. Every book, online resource, and video that you have referred to while preparing your research work should be included in the list of works cited.
This page is also titled ‘works cited’ as you are providing information regarding the same. If you are quoting, rephrasing, or mentioning other authors’ works, you should cite the work in a particular format. There are different styles by which you cite works in a research paper. The styles include MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. According to the styles, the formatting of the bibliography will vary. The style will depend greatly on the discipline your work belongs to. APA format is used by the students and researchers belonging to social and behavioral sciences. MLA format is followed by students and researchers from the humanities discipline. Business, history, and fine arts students use the Chicago format for their research papers.
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