The primary years’ program, also known as PYP, is a curriculum for young students who are between the ages group of three to twelve. The primary years’ program was developed by the International baccalaureate, the idea was to recognize the natural curiosity of a child, their creativity, and how they reflect. It creates a stimulating learning environment to create a lifelong love of learning in every student. Students become creative and start developing big ideas.
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The journey of PYP began in 1997, the curriculum is followed in approximately 1,800 schools, and this program can be seen in more than a hundred countries. Many private, international and public schools have primary years programs that help students to develop an interest in learning at a young age.
Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the hybrid learning.
There are several traits of the students of primary years program like open-minded, knowledgeable, reflective, communicators, principled, risk-takers, balanced, caring, and inquirers. PYP offers so many benefits to primary schools, it motivates students to think independently and take control of their actions and learning. Teachers following this program teaches students how they can apply their knowledge and skills gained from every subject. This program also helps students to develop critical thinking skills and improve their comprehension. They develop powerful ideas which are relevant to their subjects, they explore to understand the topic more. They are provided with challenging tasks, they use their problem-solving skills to find the solutions. Positive action is taken within and more than our community. The model of the primary year’s program shows all the parts that combine to form a coherent curriculum.
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