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Steps of Micro Teaching

Steps of Micro Teaching

Teachers should know the Steps of micro teaching. Teaching is a complex process that requires more than merely passing on information from one person to the next. It successfully conveys knowledge in a range of ways. Because of the considerable increase in all areas, effective teaching skills are in high demand. The concept of microteaching arose as a result of this demand. It’s a brand-new, cutting-edge curriculum for teachers that improves the environment of the classroom. Many pre-primary education institutes have implemented steps of micro teaching practices to equip teachers with an effective teaching strategy. Steps of microteaching is a method of teaching that focuses on one skill at a time. Specific abilities are trained on until they are mastered. Microteaching, as a result, concentrates on one ability at a time. When the information is minimal, the trainees have greater freedom and convenience. As a result, the concept of compacted content underpins micro education. Teachers are supposed to prepare their classes based on the content offered, making their teachings easier to deliver. Practice is required for the development of skills. Microteaching focuses on one skill at a time and allows students to practice that skill. A lot of practice may assist teachers in gaining confidence and improving their teaching abilities. Experiments are essential components of any concept. Many experiments are conducted in micro-teaching to assess the competence of the teachers.

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