Interleaving is a process where students mix, or interleave, multiple subjects or topics while they study to improve their learning. Blocked practice, on the other hand, involves studying one topic very thoroughly before moving to another topic. When you are learning two or more related concepts or skills, instead of focusing exclusively on one concept or skill at a time, it can be helpful to alternate between them. In simple words, Interleaving means to arrange in. In this students focus on one topic and then the next. An interleaved curriculum works on the basis that different topics are woven together, switched between, and revisited at intervals throughout the year. It is very helpful for students. Cognitive psychologists believe that interleaving improves the brain’s ability to differentiate, or discriminate, between concepts and strengthens memory associations. As interleaving involves retrieval practice, it is more advanced than blocked practice. The topics are mixed to facilitate learning. It is also known as mixed practice or varied practice. When students focus on one topic at a time it is easier to understand the topic deeply and in less time.
The benefits are Interleaving two tasks can improve student’s performance on both tasks more than practicing each of the tasks separately, even when they spend less time overall on each task and its examples can be used from different categories to improve their technical skills.
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