The REET (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers) Exam, also known as the RTET (Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test), is a highly professional, state-level competitive examination. The examination is held every year by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) to recruit eligible candidates as teachers under the Grade-III level in all the primary and secondary schools of Rajasthan. We will take a look at REET Syllabus – Child Development and Pedagogy:
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The REET is conducted in 2 main levels. One is for primary teachers (Level I), and the other is for upper primary teachers (Level II).
Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.
The Level 1 exam for primary teachers consist of five different subjects, which are:
- Child Development and Pedagogy
- Language-I
- Language-II
- Mathematics
- Environmental Studies
The Level II exam consists of four different subjects, namely:
- Child Development and Pedagogy
- Language – I
- Language – II
- Mathematics and Science (for Science and Mathematics teachers) or Sociology (for Social Science teachers).
One of the essential subjects for the REET Examinations is Child Development and Pedagogy. The REET syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy is the same for both Level 1 and Level 2 exams. It is essential for every candidate to thoroughly check the REET syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy before appearing for the papers.
Candidates who have successfully submitted their REET Exam 2021 applications must be looking at the Child Development and Pedagogy REET syllabus for the upcoming 2021 REET examinations.
With the help of this article, we will be capturing all the important chapters and topics falling under the category of Child Development and Pedagogy. It will help guide all REET exam participants on the REET syllabus for the Child Development and Pedagogy papers of the Level 1 and Level 2 REET examinations.
REET Syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy
There are 5 main chapters in this subject as outlined under the REET syllabus. They include:
- Child Development
- The Meaning and Concept of Learning and its Processes
- Individual Differences
- Understanding Diverse Learners
- Process of Teaching-Learning
Below are the details of the chapter-wise topics for both the Child Development and Pedagogy papers under Level 1 and Level 2.
Chapter 1: Child development
The topics to be covered under ‘Child Development’ include:
- The concept of growth and development
- Principles and dimensions of development
- Factors affecting development (particularly in the context of family and school) and their relationship with learning
- The role of heredity in the environment
Chapter 2: Meaning and concepts of learning, as well as its processes
Topics to be covered under the heading ‘Meaning and Concept of Learning and its Processes’ include:
- Factors affecting learning
- Theories of learning and the implications of learning
- How children learn and think
- The motivation and implications for learning
Chapter 3: Individual differences
The topics to be covered under ‘Individual Differences’ are:
- The meaning, the types, and the factors that affect individual differences
- Understanding individual differences based on language, gender, community, caste, and religion
- Personality: Personality concept, personality types, factors influencing personality, and personality measurement
- Intelligence: The concept of intelligence, intelligence theories, intelligence measurement, and multidimensional intelligence and its implications
Chapter 4: Understanding diverse learners
The topics to be covered under the chapter of ‘Understanding Diverse Learners’ include:
- Backward, mentality retarded, gifted, creative, specially-abled, disadvantaged, and deprived
- Learning difficulties
- Adjustment: Concept and methods of adjustment, teacher’s role in adjustment
Chapter 5: The Teaching-Learning Process
The topics under ‘Teacher-Learning Process’ include:
- Teaching-learning strategies and methods in the context of the National Curriculum Framework 2005
- The meaning and the purposes of assessment, measurement, and evaluation
- The comprehensive and continuous evaluation
- Construction of an achievement test
- Action research
- The Right to Education Act 2009 (role and responsibilities of teachers)
Exam Pattern for Child Development and Pedagogy
The REET Exam Pattern for Child Development and Pedagogy is the same for both primary Level I and Level II.
- No. of questions: 30
- Total points: 30
- Exam time: 30 minutes
Now that you know the detailed Child Development and Pedagogy REET syllabus, we hope you’re ready to get cracking on your preparation for this all-important competitive exam.
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