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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that provides a summary of each of the entries. The reason for using annotations is to offer the reader a summary and evaluation of each source. Each summary needs to be a concise exposition of the central idea of the source and must give the reader a general idea of the source’s content.

The main components of an annotated bibliography are given below: 

  • Full bibliographic citation – It is the necessary and complete bibliographical information
  • Author’s background – the name, experience, qualifications, and authority of the author are mentioned here
  • Purpose of the work – The reasons why the author wrote the work is expressed
  • Scope of the work – It refers to the depth or breadth of coverage and topics or subtopics covered
  • Main argument – It states the main informative points of the paper
  • Audience – This refers to the people for which it was written
  • Methodology – This is used to refer to the methodology and research methods employed
  • Viewpoint – What is the perspective of the author or their approach
  • Sources – this section has the citations of the author
  • Reliability of the source – this refers to the reliability of the work
  • Conclusion – this involves realizing the conclusion draw at the end 
  • Features – This section refers to the significant extras like visual aids, reprints of source documents, etc.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses – The strengths and weaknesses of the work are written
  • Comparison – This refers to the source related to other works done by other writers on the topic

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