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PhD in IIT Delhi

The PhD in IIT Delhi is a three-year full-time on-campus program. PhD in IIT Delhi fee structure is Rs 30,600 per year. The Humanities and Social Sciences are the two Ph.D. subjects available. Senate IIT Delhi will conduct an online interview for a Ph.D. in… Read More »PhD in IIT Delhi

Professor Salary

Professor SalaryBeing a professor is considered as a very noble & respectable job in India. A lot of people ask about professor salary. The salary of a good and experienced professor can be up to INR 1,00,00. However more then money, what a professor earns… Read More »Professor Salary

PhD Subjects

PhD Subjects  A Ph.D. with an academic focus is called a Ph.D. Doctoral programs usually last for three years and candidates complete them in five to six years. However, the duration of the course will vary according to the Phd subjects taken. Applicants must have… Read More »PhD Subjects

Preceptor Meaning

Preceptor MeaningA preceptor is an instructor or teacher who educates students. Every student should know preceptor meaning. Education is an important part of the country’s development. Teachers improve student productivity and creativity, and thus the productivity and creativity of future employees. Understand and digitize school… Read More »Preceptor Meaning

Pre D.El.Ed

Pre D.El.Ed The Rajasthan Department of Education begins accepting registrations for Pre d.el.ed slot booking in October every year. Candidates interested in applying for a spot can do so between October and November. The whole schedule is accessible on, the official website of the… Read More »Pre D.El.Ed

Pedagogue Meaning

Pedagogue Meaning Pedagogue meaning is a teacher who is strict and not modern. The method used by a  pedagogue for teaching is called pedagogy, it is the study of the philosophy and practice of learning, as well as how this process influences and is influenced by… Read More »Pedagogue Meaning

Pyramid of Biomass

Pyramid of Biomass The pyramid of Biomass, also known as the Eltonian pyramid, depicts the link between the populations, biomass, energy, and bio productivity of different trophic levels in an ecosystem. The energy flow in the system is depicted by the pyramid of Biomass. The… Read More »Pyramid of Biomass

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