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Make the best of
every assessment

Get real-time detailed insights into student performance and make informed decisions using tests and homework.
Get Started
Assessment Creation Simplified
Create homework & tests using 20 lakhs + questions
Upload questions in multiple formats like images, documents and more
Create and schedule exams in 30 seconds
Effortless Performance Analysis
Identify strengths & weaknesses through performance reports
Know where they stand in the competition
Individual student performance analytics at your fingertips
Effective Engagement
Easily plan, schedule, and notify students about upcoming exams
Create, share and evaluate homework & tests effortlessly
Give feedbacks & ensure individual attention
Multiple Assessment Modes
Multiple question type support : MCQ, subjective & more
Intricate LMS tools to analyze and assess performance
Personalised strength and weakness reports to understand students
Classroom Analytics
Monitor class performance and make informed decisions
Revisit lessons based on classroom performance
Find the class average and how they compare to the top 10%
Exemplary User Interface
Seamless teacher and student experience
Advanced result analytics
Automated and subjective evaluation support
Get Started
Digitize your Institute and become Future-Ready
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