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ID Card Generator

Automatically generate ID cards from data available on the teacher & student directory using Teachmint’s ID Card Maker!

Best ID Card Generator


ID Cards for Students & Staff

Use the existing information from the student and teacher directory to create ID cards online instantly

Download/Print in Bulk

Download and print ID cards individually or in bulk

Highlights Missing Info

Be aware of & rectify any missing info on the ID card before downloading/printing


Generate ID Cards for Students & Staff

ID cards are important tools of identification in an educational institution. It helps identify a student or teacher in relation to the school and helps internal processes along. With Teachmint, generating ID cards is quite easy for both students and teachers alike. It smoothens the process of ID card generation, making it easy and efficient.

Automate the Process

Automation & digitization of a school is paramount in future-proofing the operations of a school. Teachmint is at the forefront of this change, spearheading it by example. So, it will not come as a surprise that Teachmint has also made its ID card maker automated. All the information for the ID card creator is taken from the Student Information System (SIS). There is no additional workforce required to collect the data from the student or staff member, add it to a form, and enter all of the details manually - all of these processes will be directly taken from the student and teacher directory.

Preview Before Downloading

The administrators have the option to preview each ID card before downloading/printing the ID card. This acts like an extra layer of error-proofing so that the wrong information is weeded out at the beginning itself.

Preset Template in Standard Size

Teachmint’s ID card generator creates ID cards in the standard CR80 template. This makes the process of ID card generation several times faster because the template is print-ready right from the get-go. The ID card can be printed either in landscape or portrait orientation as per the requirement of the school.

Filter & Download As Required

Teachmint’s online ID Card Generator allows admins to download and print ID cards based on the status of completion, admission date, and class.

ID cards have been used by almost every structured institution, educational or not. With Teachmint, admins can generate ID cards in-house, hence reducing the effective cost of the process. It also takes the school one step closer to operational independence. Teachmint’s Integrated School Platform intends to make schools as self-reliant as possible through automation and digitization. Be the change you want to see in the system - check out Teachmint’s extensive list of Features!


Why do schools need an ID card generator?
How customizable is Teachmint’s ID Card Generator?
What needs to be checked for errors before printing the ID card?
Where does the ID card creator get its information from?
Is there a limit on how many ID cards can be downloaded at once?
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