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Study Material Management

Enhance and assist the teaching-learning process with notes in different formats with Teachmint’s Study Materials feature!

Best Study Material


Upload Notes in No Time

Upload notes in various formats - images, documents, videos, and even YouTube video links - within just a few clicks.

Organize Like a Pro

Organize notes into folders to make the process of finding and using them simple and efficient.

Automatic Notifications in Classroom Chat

Notify students in the Classroom Chat instantly when a new Study Material is uploaded.



The most obvious benefit of Teachmint’s student Study Materials feature is the convenience that it offers. Teachers can easily share notes as and when they decide. Consequently, students also benefit from the feature by having access to the uploaded notes whenever they need it. Also, the students get notifications whenever the teacher uploads any new content.

Saves Teachers’ Time

One of the most important aspects of a teacher’s day is the amount of time they get to spend in the classroom specifically for teaching. Among the various LMS tools that assist teachers in this process is the Study Materials feature. With this feature, teachers can simply upload the content that is relevant to the class directly which the students can download and view at any point of time. This frees the teacher’s schedule to not only teach but also interact with the students in the class and engage them with the course material. The teacher can even add YouTube video links that can act as additional learning material for students who are interested to learn more of the subject.

Monitor Student Activity

Once a particular Study Material has been uploaded to the classroom, the teacher can see who has viewed that particular file and who has not. This provides critical information of the classroom & the students.

Multiple Formats for Sharing Notes

Teachmint offers teachers a wide array of formats in which they can share their notes. They have the option to share images, PDFs, Word documents, PPTs, spreadsheets, videos (under 150MB) and even YouTube video links. This allows teachers to give students a number of multimedia learning tools that can be used to give students a three-dimensional learning experience outside the classroom.

Save the Contents of the Whiteboard

Teachers can use the Digital Whiteboard to teach, using it as visual aid - jotting down points, mnemonics, and small diagrams. If the teacher feels that the points made on the Digital Whiteboard are worthy of being made into notes, they can save it as Study Material so that it can be accessed later on.

While the ease of sharing notes becomes easier for teachers, it implies that students have the opportunity to pace their learning for themselves, giving them autonomy over their learning style. Giving students a 360° education while also giving teachers control over the time they have in the classroom are two of the most foundational cornerstones of NEP 2020. Through our Study Material feature, we are offering students and teachers a chance for both. Combined with our school LMS features, Teachmint intends to make the classroom not just a place for learning, but also for interaction, engagement, and a place to have fun while learning.


Can teachers create and share videos of any size with the students?
Is there a time limit for students to download the study material shared by their teacher?
How can teachers organize study materials effectively?
Are the study materials shared by teachers available outside the classroom?
Can teachers share video content as Study Material?
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