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पत्र लेखन – letter writing

पत्र लेखन

पत्र लेखन is one of the most searched questions, it is known as letter writing in English. It is one of the most asked questions in the exams. Students of almost each class can observe at least one question of letter writing in their exams. Letter writing is important as it not only helps the students during their school days, but also helps them in the life after school and college.

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The letter writing or पत्र लेखन is an important concept and it is important for the students to understand it well. There are two types of letters, formal letters and informal letters, understand them in detail here-

Formal Letters- When it comes to formal letters, the structure differs depending on the letter’s purpose. Students must follow precise criteria while writing a professional letter. Every sentence should be carefully considered and crafted so that the message students wish to convey to the reader is clear and correct.

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Letters to the Editor are letters in which the writer expresses a concern that should be brought to the attention of higher authorities. Letters should be written professionally and sincerely according to the formal letter format.
Informal Letters- Informal letters are personal letters written to friends or family to let them know about what is going on in your life and to send your regards. The informal letter format is the easiest to memorize and does not take much time to learn. The tone of an informal letter is very casual and personal. There is no hard and fast rule about writing informal letters. You can write literally anything about what you want to convey. 

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