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पर्यावरण पर निबंध – Environment

पर्यावरण पर निबंध

पर्यावरण पर निबंध is one of the most commonly appearing questions on the question papers for students appearing for Hindi exams. The students studying in school as well as the students appearing for any sort of government exams are often supposed to appear for Hindi exam. पर्यावरण पर निबंध is one of the most common topics in all the Hindi exams as it is easy to come up with valid and logical content to write about the topic.

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Students can start the essay with good Hindi quotes on Environment or पर्यावरण. Here are a few quotes that students can use while writing the essays-

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1- प्रकृति हमारे लिए एक पेंटिंग है, दिन-प्रतिदिन, अनंत सौंदर्य की तस्वीरें। – जॉन रस्किन

2- हमारे ग्रह के लिए सबसे बड़ा खतरा प्रकृति का विनाश है और साथ ही कीमती वन्यजीवों का नुकसान भी है। – इरविन

3- पक्षी पर्यावरण के संकेतक हैं। यदि वे मुसीबत में हैं, तो हम जानते हैं कि हम भी जल्द ही मुसीबत में पड़ जाएंगे। – रोजर टोरी पीटरसन

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1- What is पर्यावरण meaning in English?

Answer- पर्यावरण meaning in English is ‘Environment’.

2- What can students do to make their essays better?

Answer- Students can add quotations to their essays in order to make them more appealing.

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