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Live Reporting

Live Reporting
Live reporting can be understood as the reporting that the students do at school, college events to enhance their report writing of the event. Report writing is a formal style of writing that focuses on a certain topic in depth. A report’s tone is usually official. The intended audience is always considered in this section. For instance, writing a report about a school event, writing a report about a business case, and so on. In order to make it a good report, the wording should be as plain as feasible. Jargon and technical terms should be avoided wherever possible. If a technical report is to be presented to laypeople, the usage of technical jargon must be limited. The language must be precise and direct, expressing exactly what is intended to be said. This necessitates the report being created in the proper format and following the proper procedures. The readability of a report is its most important feature. The presenting style and diction (word choice) must be appealing to the reader so that he is motivated to read the entire report from beginning to conclusion.’ Only then can a report accomplish its intended function. A report on the same subject matter might be prepared in a variety of ways for different audiences. In order to ensure a good report writing, the writers should make sure that the live reporting of the event is done well and good.

Thank you and happy learning!

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