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Grounding is a form of punishment often used by educational institutes and parents alike to inculcate discipline in students. Grounded students are forbidden to leave their place of residence, except for essential activities like going to school or attending a place of worship. 

Grounding is a positive reinforcement activity that revokes privileges such as using the internet, playing video games, or watching TV. The punishment might also involve having to do extra chores. 

Grounding is used as an alternative to physical punishment that might be toxic to children—for example, spanking. According to a 2000 review, grounding turned out to be a more effective disciplinary alternative than spanking teenagers.  

However, this can backfire if the type and duration of restrictions are disproportionately severe, or if the restrictions are too difficult for the parents or teachers to enforce. 

The term was initially used in aviation. It refers to the scenario wherein a pilot is prevented from flying an aircraft due to illness, misconduct, or technical issues. 

It also refers to having a fundamental understanding of the concepts of a subject. If you have a grounding in a subject, it means you are aware of the basic facts or principles of that subject. This, in most cases, comes from the result of a particular course of training. 

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