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Courseware can be defined as software that is used in the creation of training or teaching programs. This can be in the form of educational material intended for teachers and trainers as a kit, or for students in the form of tutorials. It used to be used more for subjects related to information technology, but nowadays they are used extensively for all subjects, especially with everything going online. 

Courseware usually refers to material for classes where the course is either computer based learning (CBT) or where there is a physical teacher involved. However, these are not the only types that you will find nowadays. With the rapid advancement of the internet, distance learning is becoming cheaper and far easier than before. Courseware also encompasses material that is coordinated for such distance learning in the form of live sessions conducted over the internet. 

It can also take the form of websites that can offer interactive tutorials so that the students can learn all they need to know in the most fun way possible. This can make the learning process not just easier on the kids, but also spark curiosity in them and make it less of a burden, encouraging them to take up the torch and march forward on their own.

Usually, it is provided to students in the form of online tools and material because we live in the age of the internet. However, they can also be given in the form of CD ROMs that need to be loaded onto a PC. 

Courseware is not only created for students, but for teachers and trainers as well. For the latter, courseware content might include a course plan, teaching notes, exercises and setup information. 

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