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A student portfolio is most effective when used to assess student learning progress and accomplishment. Teachers can use a portfolio to record and analyze the information, skills, and work habits that students gain in school so that they can adjust their teaching methods if evidence reveals that students are learning or not learning what they were taught.

Portfolios, according to proponents, should be integrated into and inform the instructional process, and students should develop entire portfolios on an ongoing basis, rather than being a stale archive of work products assessed at the end of a course or school year.

Portfolios can take many different forms, from notebooks full of documents, notes, and drawings to online digital archives and student-created websites, and they can be used at all levels of education, including elementary, middle, and high school. As a result, some professors believe that portfolios should include more than just a student’s best work; they should also include evidence and work products that demonstrate how students have grown over time. Because they indicate learning development over time, portfolios can help students reflect on where they began a course, how they advanced, and where they ended up at the end of the school year. The portfolio is helpful for both students and teachers to analyze growth. 

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