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Literary Translation

Literary translation is the process of translating creative poetry and prose into other languages. The aim is to make literature accessible to a wider audience base. Literary translation also includes translating ancient literature and modern fiction to other languages to make them available to more people at a time. 

Literary translation is crucial because it helps people understand the world around them. They will learn about ancient practices, religion, politics, philosophy, history, and a lot more. It has a bright but difficult scope. Many factors work together to make literary translation challenging for people involved in this field. One of the key challenges of this field is to remain faithful to the original work while creating something unique and distinctive. Moreover, the translator must be able to evoke the same feelings and emotions from the newly translated work. 

Another challenge that translators face is in translating poetry as they are written with attention to detail. While translating poems, the meaning might get changed. Therefore, maintaining the essence of poems is a challenge for literary translators. 

Skills needed to become a literary translator

To become a translator, interested candidates must have the ability to write creatively. Creative writing is more complex than other forms of writing. Another skill that is essential to excel in the field of literary translation is confidence. Getting bogged down with how to express the meaning of a sentence or term is possible, but translators need to know when it is the time to move on. Moreover, they must have the ability to stick to deadlines.

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