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Learning Pyramid

The learning pyramid also called “cone of learning” was introduced by the National Training Laboratories Institute in the year 1960. The learning pyramid discusses the learning retention of learners and how it can be enhanced using different learning methodologies. Within a pyramid of learning, representations are typically made using percentages and distinct layers. The percentages are divided into 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 90%.

According to the learning pyramid, a learner learns the least when he/she is just listening to a lecture.  Only 5% of the knowledge that is taught in a lecture is retained by the students. According to the learning pyramid, t The learning retention rate when a learner reads would be around 10%.   The retention rate jumps to 20 percent when using audio-visual aids, and it rises to 30 percent when learning by watching a demonstration. Demonstrations can aid students in understanding the concepts even better.

As per the learning pyramid, a learner’s learning retention rate increases to 50% when they participate in a group discussion. They engage in critical analysis of a topic while participating in group discussions, and they also learn about many facets of the concept from their peers. As a result, the retention rate is high. The retention rate is 75% when a learner implements what they are learning since they are more likely to understand and remember the concept. When students attempt to impart new knowledge to another person, retention rates are at their highest.  A learner can teach the concept to another person only if he/she has understood the concept properly and thoroughly.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that teaching someone else increases retention the most.

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