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Language Lab

A language lab is a learning space dedicated specifically to foreign language learning. Language labs allow a teacher to listen to and manage the audio of students with the help of headsets or in sound booths. Language lab typically consists of a teacher console that is networked to multiple stations each of which is a student. The teacher console consists of a tape recorder that comprises the instructional recording, a headset as well as a system of switches that enable the teacher to monitor the audio played by each individual student, and finally a p microphone for communication with the students.

In addition to the teacher console, there was also a student station where each student is provided with a tape recorder, microphone, and headset. The tape recorder enabled the recording of the students’ vocal responses as well as the recording of instructional content for later independent study.

Language labs provide students with a proper practical setting for learning a foreign language. Language generally divided into types

  • Listening type – Here, students make use of earphones to listen to teaching materials that were free recorded. This type of language lab is also known as a listening room because it has only a voice transmission function.
  • Listening and Speaking Type – teachers, as well as students, have earphones and microphones so within this language lab teachers can carry out question and answer sessions, have two-way voice interactions, and contrast speaking styles with one another.

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