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Culture Media PPT

Culture Media PPT

Culture media, also known as growth media, are mixtures of nutrients that support the growth of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Culture media are used for the quality control of raw materials that are not considered sterile as well as finished products for microbial contamination for the purposes of hygiene monitoring, sterilization validation, and determination of preservative and antimicrobial effectiveness.

Microbe detection tests on non-sterile products are conducted as per the harmonized test procedures of the European, Japanese, and US pharmacopeias. Formerly known as Microbial Limit Tests (MLT), these tests are used to understand the bioburden of a given sample. Acceptance criteria of these tests are determined on the basis of Total Aerobic Microbial Count (TAMC), and the Total Yeast and Mold Count (TYMC). A culture media PPT can be used to explain this phenomenon to students, making the distinctions between TAMC and TYMC more effective. In addition, specific tests are undertaken to make sure of the absence or presence of certain microorganisms that may prove to be objectionable.

The ingredients vary as per the test being performed and the microorganism of interest. Culture media are usually based on a liquid nutrient broth which is generally mixed with agar and prepared in Petri-dishes. To enrich select media, further specific components are added.

Culture media preparation must be carried out in a very precise way to make sure that microbiological growth is promoted the right way. The individual ingredients of the culture media must be weighed out with great care as per the culture media recipe. A precision balance along with readability from 1 mg up to 10 mg is made use of for the main components. An analytical balance will be required to weigh trace elements like copper and zinc. If only a small amount of culture media is required, care should be taken to recalculate the quantities of ingredients required and a balance with greater readability might be required to fulfill accuracy requirements. Students can learn more about this phenomenon at their own pace using the lms for education. With the lms systems, they can revisit the topics as and when needed to deepen their understanding.

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